September 2013, marks a significant memory in the annals of Heavy Metal; it marks the Thirty-Year Anniversary of the release of the seminal, cornerstone heavy metal album by STEELER...
Many rock and metal bands that have since followed in the wake of STEELER. It doesn’t matter if it is a top line major touring act, a mid-range band or even a beginner band, whether American, European or even Asian, all have all stated openly, beyond a doubt, that the STEELER album was one of their main influences in becoming rock musicians themselves; further proof that that STEELERalbum not only stands the test of time, but that it forever changed the path of many a young rocker who, now today, has progressed into career’s of their own. Much like the legendary Maltese Falcon, that magical STEELER album is definitely considered ‘the stuff that dreams are made of.’There is very strong speculation that although the STEELER album was never officially certified by the RIAA, it’s a very good estimation that since 1983, with steady, if with slowed sales, it's most likely achieved GOLD status by now. Not bad for the highest selling independently released heavy metal album of all time. STEELER fans love their STEELER album today as much as they did upon its first release.
That classic metal STEELER album was responsible for launching the career’s of founder and band leader Ron Keel (KEEL), guitarist Yngwie Malmsteen and to some very promising degree, both, drummer Mark Edwards (LION / THIRD STAGE ALERT) and bassist Rik Fox (W.A.S.P./SIN and SURGICAL STEEL). Drummer Edwards had sustained a back-breaking injury during a Motocross accident which had ended his drumming career, and although bassist Fox continued to achieve some international notoriety, on the fringe of getting SIN signed to a major label himself, and an incompleted SURGICAL STEEL album being shelved, a series of bad breaks had plagued his progress. Today Mark Edwards works at a major Publicity Firm in Texas and Fox has moved back and forth from music to film, to his ancestral winged hussar historical re-enacting and back to music, and is making a comeback today with his musical efforts, with some very promising things ahead. If you already have a copy, then you know exactly what kind of joy and excitement the rocking metal tracks the STEELER album continues to bring you. If you don’t yet have a copy, run, don’t walk, and get yourself a copy today. It stands up today, just as well as it did upon its debut release back in September 1983. Guaranteed, you won’t be sorry! We thank you for joining in the celebration of the Anniversary of the debut release of STEELER.
“STEELER (along with Motley Crue and Ratt), was one of those 'groundbreaking' bands of the 1980s Sunset Strip. We were lucky and fortunate to be in that particular place in time and history; just look at the awesome results that we left behind! But even with all that stage energy we delivered live, it was the songs that made it happen, and...The FANS! Thanks for keeping the faith” – Rik Fox
“Within 10 short months of arrival in Los Angeles in 1981, ‘STEELER’ became one of the top 3 rock groups on the L.A. Metal scene along with ‘Motley Crue’ and ‘Ratt’… The self titled debut album "’STEELER’ featuring ‘Yngwie Malmsteen’ released in September, 1983, on Shrapnel Records, still stands up today as one of the classic Heavy Metal guitar albums of all time.” – Allen Isaacs Sound engineer / STEELER